
Crescendo's Tokenomics Methodology

Total Token Supply = 1,500,000,000 CRSD

Initial Airdrop = 225,000,000 CRSD (15%) On 11/21/21, Crescendo was created and airdropped through reddit by Crescendo's original creator.

Circulating Supply = 734,550,000 CRSD (48.97% as of 3/18/24)

This is the estimated circulating supply of Crescendo tokens. Visit for current supply data.

Treasury = 225,000,000 CRSD (15%)

A tenth of supply dedicated to Crescendo’s long-term sustainability. The treasury wallet serves as the method to accumulate token assets, and fortify Crescendo's staying power. Supply will not be utilized until the Growth allocation is depleted.

treasury.crescendo.algo – Wallet Address – N722TKF5T4WNCAFSZC7MPR3HKXQRW2O4AYRBB3ZTSN5PJB4HXDXPAWJMOE

Growth = 250,000,000 CRSD (16.67% as of 3/1/24)

Supply dedicated to token airdrop rewards, liquidity, and growth opportunities over the next 5-7 years (40m-56m CRSD/year). It is the medium-term runway, to long-term sustainability for Crescendo.


Liquidity = ~225,000,000 CRSD (~15%)

Crescendo's token liquidity is primarily paired with Algo and USDC. Additional liquidity pairings are added over time, through partnerships and assets collected.

liquidity.crescendo.algo – Wallet Address – 32DZU6BDPWLTRP74OIMEXBWACCM4FF5SYG6UG7SNRYLQUG37IDBI25EELA

Airdrops = CRSD Balance Varies (refer to ASAStats)

Wallet dedicated to daily airdrop rewards funded by the Growth.

airdrops.crescendo.algo – Wallet Address – PK2KQ24DRV6ARH5XP5ND5D5UC6WBIWBBF6IKMIWZ5QZKL75RQHYA6M6DO4 Project Manager Wallets (for transparency)

rumi.algo – wallet addresses: rumi.algo, ruminate.algo

smoky.algo – wallet addresses: D6WJZ, 4CUH6, smoky.algo, SMOKY

Last updated